Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Cute Kid Story

Today we learned that Jesus grew up and was not always the baby in a manger.  The children had to draw a picture of what they wanted to be when they grew up.  Alaina wants to be a doctor and a cheerleader.  Ady was undecided but thought that she wanted to be a doctor, too.  I told the girls that they could go into practice together.  Alaina suggested that while she was cheering at the Buckeye football game, Ady could take care of anyone who might get sick at the football game.  I suggested that while Alaina cheers, Ady could be the doctor for the football team while Ady's daddy directs the Ohio State Marching Band (which he really does.)  The girls seemed to be thrilled with that idea!  I am glad that we got that settled : )

Ady's Daddy - with thumb up : )

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