Thursday, May 10, 2012

Edible Frog Pond!

Colored cream cheese on an English muffin
Add the cucumber and marshmallow bloom

Gummy Frog!

Edible Life Cycles!

The egg is on the leaf.
Out comes a caterpillar.
Into the chrysalis you go.

Out comes a butterfly!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Life Cycle of a Butterfly

To color pasta:  Pour a small amount of alcohol in a plastic gallon baggie and mix with food coloring.  Put pasta in the baggie and mix until all pasta is covered.  Dry for a couple of days.

Types of Pasta:  egg - acine di pepe; caterpillar - genelli; chrysalis - shell; butterfly - bowtie

Leaves - green foam, adult body - black pipe cleaner

A Metamorphosis!


Using our proboscis to suck up sweet nectar!