Saturday, November 19, 2011

Thanksgiving Feast

One of our moms took this video of the songs from Thanksgiving feast. Pictures to come! Copy and paste the following address in your address bar

Monday, November 14, 2011

D.I. For the Little Guy!

Today I had the pleasure of sitting under the teaching of Kim Adsit of Warner Robbins, Georgia. We share a same love for southern accents and teaching kindergarten! She retired last year after teaching kindergarten for 30 years. She now travels as a presenter and speaks all over the country. I learned so much from her. Kim's website is and her blog is

Monday, November 7, 2011

Fabulous Fall! Full of Fun!

Lay down the slices of cheese
 Press with the cookie cutter......
       candy corn!                                 Panda Pumpkin!

Candy Corn Math!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Who Stole the Cookie from the Cookie Jar?

Holden stole the cookie from the cookie jar!
Mrs. Perry didn't take the cookies, but she did steal the apples from the apple tree!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Just in case you were not secure on your political party......our preschool neighbor is in the running! : )

Green Means Go!

We kicked off our behavior chart system by eating a yummy snack. The children iced a sugar cookie and placed the colored M & Ms in the right spot. Green means go. Red means stop. Yellow does not mean "step on it!" : )

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Mimio Technology

Today was our first "Tally Tuesday" using our new Mimio technology.  The Mimio transforms any whiteboard surface into an interactive teaching/learning experience.  We tallied "What is your favorite type of bear?"  The children laughed at Mrs. Perry (hey, it was my first time using the thing! : )

Pandas in Danger!

This past week we colored a map of China.  The orange area shows where pandas once lived and the red area shows where pandas live today.

Monday, August 29, 2011

The Power of Prayer

Every Monday the teachers, assistants, and Mrs. Knowles gather to pray over a specific classroom.  Today the kindergarten class had the privilege of having these women pray over our room.  They travel to student desks, asking the Lord to do His work in the lives of those He has put in our care.  It is my favorite time of the week!  

Friday, August 19, 2011


The view from the door

Calendar Math

Job Chart
I still have to add the specific jobs and the student's names on the notecards.

Birthday Board
Student pictures will go next to their age.  On their birthday, they get to move to the next group.  We reference this pictograph all year.

Listening Center
"Chews" a Good Book!

Shoe Wall
Mrs. Lee is going to give him tennis shoes and an Asian hat. Students put a tennis shoe on the wall when they can tie their shoe on their own.

Sight Word Wall

Lunch Box Shelf

Student Folders - P.A.N.D.A.

Mrs. Perry's Favorite - Beth Moore!

Last weekend Beth Moore was in Columbus.  Many ladies from my church attended the event together.  Beth Moore is my favorite speaker!  Her key word - PREPARE.